Inclusive growth in Mozambique seminar series

The Inclusive growth in Mozambique programme is launching its seminar series for 2019. The seminar series showcases ongoing research on topics related to the work of the programme and its aim of supporting inclusive growth in Mozambique.

The seminar series features presentations by the researchers of the programme partners and by notable guest speakers. The preliminary programme includes topics such as vulnerability to natural disasters, job creation and informal sector. See below the tentative programme, which will be updated regularly.

The seminars will be held at the main campus of the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo in the Faculty of Economics, Postgraduate room, on Wednesday’s from 12:00 to 13:30. The Seminar series will run throughout the year and the forthcoming seminars are public events open to everyone. Welcome!

Preliminary calendar: 

  • 06 March - Ricardo and Sam Jones: "O perfil dos estudantes da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane" (The profile of students of the Eduardo Mondlane University)
  • 13 March - Vincenzo Salvucci: “Vulnerabilidade às Calamidades Naturais: Avaliação do Impacto a Curto Prazo da Cheia de 2015 sobre Consumo e Pobreza em Moçambique” (Vulnerability to Natural Disasters: Assessment of the Short-Term Impact of the  2015 Floods on Consumption and Poverty in Mozambique)
  • 20 March - Josenilde Mário: “Análise Fatorial Exploratória do Setor Informal em Moçambique: Abordagem do Comércio de Rua na Cidade de Maputo” (Exploratory Factorial Analysis of the Informal Sector in Mozambique: Street Trade Approach in Maputo City)
  • 29 May- Zeferino Numaio."Importância dos Tipos de Inovação nas Empresas dos Sectores de Comércio e de Serviços em Moçambique " (The Importance of the Types of Innovation in Companies in the Trade and Services Sectors in Mozambique )
  • 03 July - Adriano Madamuge: “Análise comparativa na criação de postos de trabalhos: Empreendedor por oportunidade e Empreendedor por necessidade, contexto Moçambicano, 2012-2017” (Comparative analysis in the creation of jobs: Entrepreneur by opportunity and Entrepreneur by necessity, Mozambican context, 2012-2017)